7 Commandments

1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. – I think this is a bad rule because there are animals that walk on two legs and Mr. Whymper (their broker) does too but he’s not an enemy to them. There could be problems because the animals might see a human, for example, and think enemy but in real life the human could be really nice and not want to hurt them.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend. – I think this rule is fine especially because it goes right along with what they are fighting for. The only problem that could arise would be if two animals get into a fight. For example, Snowball and Napoleon. Napoleon got mad at Snowball so Napoleon shunned him. Some of the animals could’ve got mad at Napoleon so that would’ve caused arguments or even a war between the animals on the farm.
3. No animal shall wear clothes. – This rule is fine because animals do not need to wear clothes and wearing them could make them relate to the humans in a way. I don’t think there would be any problems from this rule unless its winter and for some reason one of the animals wanted to wear a scarf or something, then that animal might get shunned.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.- This is bad rule because most animals sleep in some kind of bed and all beds relate to something a human would use. You can’t really get rid of something like that. There was a problem when the pigs used the beds that the humans slept in.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.- I think this is a good rule because for one, the alcohol is something that humans used, and two, there should never be a time when animals need alcohol. I don’t really think that there would be problems from this rule.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.- Once again, I think this is a good rule because if all the animals are fighting together for the same cause, they should unite. A problem from this rule could be if two animals get mad at each other and one just decides to kill the other. Snowball and Napoleon could be used as an example again. Napoleon thinks Snowball knocked down the wind mill so now Napoleon wants him dead.
7.All animals are equal.- This is a good rule because like I said before, if all the animals are fighting for the same thing, they should unite. The pigs took leadership on the farm because they think they are the smartest animals on the farm. They broke the rule of all animals being equal, but no other animal has really tried to tell them that.

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